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The South Carolina United Methodist women will celebrate 41 years of organization. Each year on the fourth weekend in October, S.C. UMW meet at a designated location to worship, fellowship and conduct the business of the conference. This years event will be held at Bethel UMC in Spartanburg.

The theme for the 41st Annual Meeting is “With God, Nothing is Impossible.” The keynote worship speaker will be the Rev. Tiffany Knowlin, senior pastor at College Place UMC, Columbia. Bible study will also be led by the Rev. Candice Sloan, chaplain at Spartanburg Methodist College.

Registration is open now. Hotel accommodations will be available for those planning to attend the entire meeting. Check out Mission Echo for a registration form and hotel information.

UMW is a group of women in each congregation organized for mission. It is both the oldest and the largest women’s organization in the world.

The Annual Meeting is a celebration of UMW in South Carolina and the total program of mission that the UMW are involved in as they seek to fulfill its purpose.

The Annual Celebration includes opportunities for worship, praise, inspiration and singing; dynamic and challenging speakers; the sharing of how we have been in mission in the past year and of how we can continue to be in mission in the future; workshops, skits, awards and a special memorial service; fellowship and fun with other UMW, along with late-night entertainment, program resource materials, adoption of our conference pledge to mission and budget, and election of conference officers.

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