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The Resource Center provides videotapes, DVDs and choral music to enhance the ministry of churches in the South Carolina Conference. Resource topics include Bible study, parenting, confirmation, church history, mission and ministry, leadership, spiritual growth, stewardship, world religions, worship, youth, children and more.
The music library provides seasonal musicals, praise and worship collections, and anthems. Located in The United Methodist Conference Center in Columbia, The Resource Center is available to clergy, chairpersons, Sunday school teachers, youth directors, music directors and any group in your church that needs additional resources for ministry.

Online Catalog

Resource Center Flyer


Resources are available to all local churches and institutions of the South Carolina Conference. The use of resources by other denominations can be arranged with the librarian. Membership entitles the church, charge, district office or institution to unlimited usage of resources for one year. Membership fees are:

Membership begins in the month you join. Make checks payable to The Resource Center.

Ordering Resources

Orders should be placed at least two weeks in advance to help ensure you receive your resources by the chosen date. Postage for sending resources to the user is paid by The Resource Center at the mailed library rate. If special services are required (first class, priority, etc.) the user will be responsible for charges. Include your name, church name and address, telephone number, resource title, the show date, and alternate titles and dates, when possible. Order:


  • All resources are to be returned on the first business day after the show date by the U.S. Postal Service library rate.
  • Check to see that all parts (guides, booklets, etc.) are enclosed with the resource when returned.
  • Do not keep any resources for additional use without authorization.
  • Failure to return promptly may deprive another group of the opportunity of receiving the resource on schedule and cost your church an overdue fee.

Legal Information

Here to help

Betty Stalnaker

Resource Center Coordinator