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The Secretary of the Annual Conference is elected by the members of the Annual Conference. Functions carried out by the Conference Secretary include:

  • Assisting the bishop and the Committee on the Annual Conference plan and coordinate Annual Conference sessions.
  • Keeping the official record of all Annual Conference business sessions.
  • Editing the Annual Conference Journal and the Program and Reports, and the pre-conference materials.
  • Maintaining records of the Committee on Nominations, the Committee on the Annual Conference, and the Conference Board of Trustees.

Here to help

Rev. Melton Arant

Secretary of the Conference
803-786-9486, Ext. 327

Portrait of Karen

Rev. Karen L. Jones

First Assistant Secretary

Pat Mack

Assistant to the Secretary

Portrait of Angela

Rev. Angela Ford Nelson

Assistant Recording Secretary
Portrait of Christopher

Rev. J. Christopher Greene

Assistant Recording Secretary

Mrs. Carol W. Stoops

Assistant Recording Secretary
Portrait of Beverly

Rev. Beverly C. CroweTipton

Assistant Secretary for Worship
Portrait of Jeri Katherine

Rev. Jeri-Katherine Warden Sipes

Assistant Secretary for Tellers