please contact the Office of Clergy Services at
803-786-9486, Ext. 328, or
¶ 344.d Elders, associate members, and those licensed for pastoral ministry may receive appointments beyond the ministry usually extended through the local United Methodist church and other institutions listed above (¶ 343 & ¶ 344.1a) and b) , 2 & 3) in a) and b) when considered by the bishop and the annual conference Board of Ordained Ministry to be a true extension of the Christian ministry of the Church. They may be appointed to pastoral ministry in other Christian denominations at the request of appropriate judicatory officers of that denomination. These ministries shall be initiated in missional response to the needs of persons in special circumstances and unique situations and shall reflect the commitment of the clergy to intentional fulfillment of their ordination vows to Word, Sacrament, Order, and Service. These appointments may involve clergy with expertise from other vocations. Conference members in such appointments retain conference membership, and the annual con- ference may choose to extend financial support and benefits for its clergy by vote of the annual conference. (See ¶ 625.3, .5.)
Conference members who serve as staff members of ecumenical agencies or as pastors of non-United Methodist congregations may also be considered as holding an extension ministry, provided their position is approved by the bishop and the conference Board of Ordained Ministry. They shall remain accountable to their vows as members of their annual conference.
The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, in order to assist boards of ordained ministry, will provide standards and consultation to assist in validating the appropriateness of special ministry settings. In addition, it will provide advocacy for per- sons serving in settings approved under this paragraph and shall encourage the development of emerging ministries that extend the ministry of the Church into the world.
Those seeking such an appointment shall submit a written statement to the cabinet, and the Board of Ordained Ministry, describing in detail the proposed setting for their ministry, sharing a sense of calling to that ministry and their gifts and evidence of God’s grace for it, and expressing the intentional fulfillment of their ordination vows. This material will be submitted not later than 120 days before desired appointment to the proposed setting. On recommendation of the cabinet and the Board of Ordained Ministry, such positions are to be confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the clergy members of the annual conference.
In the South Carolina Conference, all persons requesting consideration for an appointment to an extension ministry considered “other valid ministries” (¶344.1d, 2016 BOD) must complete the following, be recommended by the Board of Ordained Ministry, and be approved for appointment by the cabinet:
1) Consult with your District Superintendent prior to any interviews relative to such an appointment. (¶344, 2016 Discipline)
Make a request in writing to the bishop, with copies to Clergy Services, the Board of Ordained Ministry and to your District Superintendent at least 120 days prior to (February 15) the Annual Conference for which the appointment is being requested. The Board of Ordained Ministry reviews requests and recommends to the Cabinet and Bishop for appointments to extension ministries. (¶344.1b, d, 2016 Discipline)
The institution or agency desiring to employ an ordained/licensed minister shall consult in writing the bishop and secure approval before completing any agreement to employ the ordained/licensed minister. If the institution or agency is located in another area, the bishop of that area shall also be consulted (¶344.2, 2016 Discipline).
Provide written information about your extension ministry setting including:
- A letter requesting appointment to EM with a job title, salary, time designation, and local church charge conference indicated
- Purpose of institution or agency
- Board of Directors
- Budget of the agency
- Statement of accountability and procedures for evaluation
Answer the following questions:
- Within the context of your call to ministry, identify your sense of call to the particular form of ministry which you propose to enter.
- The Church in Mission
- How does ministry in the setting you propose fulfill and enrich the effectiveness of the church in mission?
- In what ways does serving in your proposed setting minister to identifiable needs in the world that relate to the mission of the church?
- In what specific ways does your proposed ministry respond to the needs of persons in special circumstances and unique situations?
Answer the following questions:
- Within the context of your call to ministry, identify your sense of call to the particular form of ministry which you propose to enter.
- The Church in Mission
- How does ministry in the setting you propose fulfill and enrich the effectiveness of the church in mission?
- In what ways does serving in your proposed setting minister to identifiable needs in the world that relate to the mission of the church?
- In what specific ways does your proposed ministry respond to the needs of persons in special circumstances and unique situations?
¶340 outlines the responsibilities of the four-fold ministry of Word, Sacrament, Order and Service, the ordination vows of an elder.
If Word is understood as the study, interpretation, proclamation, and practice of the gospel, how do you intend to witness to the Word? How do you intend to live redemptively in the world as a rehearsing of God’s activity in Christ?
If sacrament is understood as a means of grace witnessed by symbolic self-giving in love, in what sense is your proposed ministry a lifestyle symbolic of the self- giving witnessed in the Eucharist? What do you perceive to be the sacramental dimensions in your proposed setting?
If order is understood as the ordering of the life of the church so as to enable the body of Christ to live redemptively in the world, how does serving in your proposed setting forward that task? How would you shape the meaning of discipleship for your community?
If service is understood as being the visible body of Christ through servant ministry in the midst of a broken and suffering world, how does your proposed ministry demonstrate the involvement of Jesus with human need? How will your ministry be a witness to the church’s involvement with persons on behalf of the community of faith?
Local Pastors should explain why “sacramental authority” is necessary in this ministry setting as many chaplaincy and ministry positions do not require it.
Describe your specific/special gifts, training, education, work experience, and experiences of grace required for the proposed ministry?
- How does the proposed setting of ministry provide opportunity to maintain a relationship of accountability with the Order of Elders/Fellowship of Associate Members & Local Pastors and the structure of the Church? How will you relate to a local congregation and live out your call and use your gifts for ministry in that setting? Local Pastors should give special attention to how they will be accountable to the polity of the church and complete their educational responsibilities.
In the context of being a part of our voluntary covenant community, are you prepared to accept an appointment to a local church if requested to do so?
Send items in #4 and #5 to the Office of Clergy Services. Clergy Services will pass the information to the Chair of the Extension Ministry Committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry, your district superintendent, and the cabinet secretary.
You will be expected to complete the annual report for persons serving in extension ministry and the annual compensation report. Submit to persons indicated on the forms.
On recommendation of the cabinet and the Board of Ordained Ministry, such positions are to be confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the clergy members of the annual conference. (¶344.1, 2016 Discipline)