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Click here to download an Advance Special Ministries Sunday bulletin insert

Advance Special Ministries Sunday is scheduled this year for Sunday, November 7, 2021, in the South Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church.

On that day, local churches are encouraged to feature an offering in support of Advance Special Ministries, as well as supporting the Advance Special Ministries in their communities through volunteer work and in other ways.

The 15 Advance Special Ministries are missional organizations within the conference that have been recommended by the Conference Board of Global Ministries and approved by the Annual Conference.

These independently controlled and operated organizations share a connection to the South Carolina Conference, either through history or mission. They must apply for certification every quadrennium for approval by the Annual Conference and apply for funding every year.

Learn more about our Advance Special Ministries

Area Cooperative


Tracy Jackson
Program of GIFT


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