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Bishop Jonathan Holston

Bishop Jonathan Holston

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

– Romans 8:38-39

Paul’s admonition offers a proper mindset from which we can prayerfully reflect on the results of Tuesday’s election.

Regardless of how we feel about the outcome, it is our responsibility to pray for the healing of our nation, for wisdom for its leaders, as well as for patience and compassion for its citizens.

As we pray for the men and women who offer themselves to lead us, may we cultivate the capacity to respect and honor. May we live with a purpose bigger than ourselves. May we recognize that our lives will be measured by our actions more than our words. May we be vigilant in service to all regardless of their place or station in life.

May we be ever mindful to watch our thoughts, for they become our words; to watch our words, for they become our actions; to watch our actions, for they become our habits; to watch our habits, for they become our character; and to watch our character, because it determines our destiny.

So, as we walk by faith and not by sight, let us strive to balance prayers and support for our elected leaders with our responsibility to assure that they act in the interest of justice and the common good of not just those who voted for them, but of all citizens.

In fact, nothing should separate us from the importance of this task.

Grace and peace,

L. Jonathan Holston

Bishop L. Jonathan Holston is resident bishop
of the South Carolina Annual Conference.

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