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We are excited to share our redesigned website as a more dynamic, user-friendly gateway to all things related to the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. We hope you will find it useful, engaging, enlightening – and maybe even a little entertaining, from time to time. As with anything new, we’re sure you have some questions. Here are answers to probably the three biggest questions, to get you started:

Why is it loading slowly?

Whenever you go to any new website, you may experience slow loading times, including the first visit and clicking through to links and pages. We appreciate your patience as your device becomes more familiar with our content, caches the pages you visit most frequently, and soon begins zipping through our site.

What’s up with all those buttons?

The linked buttons at the top of our homepage are designed to reflect some of the newer or more pressing efforts of conference ministries and offices. These links will change from time to time, depending on what’s happening in the life of the conference.

Where is everything?

If you have been a frequent user of our website, you undoubtedly know exactly where to click to find the form, contact or other information you need. Rest assured, it’s all still here, just reorganized in a way that we hope will be more easily navigated – both for long-time users and newcomers alike.

Any link you are accustomed to finding on the homepage of our legacy website – whether along the top or either of the side columns – can be found next to the South Carolina Conference logo in our four-section main menu at the top of any page on our new website:


In this drop-down, you will find information in four categories:

  • About: Information about the South Carolina Conference, Bishop L. Jonathan Holston, The Cabinet, conference history and the United Methodist Church.
  • Directories: Databases of South Carolina United Methodist churches, clergy, conference staff and district offices, as well as maps to help you find us and a link to find United Methodist churches around the world.
  • Districts: All 12 districts in the South Carolina Conference.
  • Offices: All conference offices: Clergy Services, Conference Secretary, Congregational Development, Connectional Ministries, Communications, Congregational Specialists, Information Technology, Treasurer/Administrative Services, and Pensions/Benefits.


In this drop-down, you will find information in four categories:

  • Conference: Conference journals, annual conference pages, the credit union, the foundation, job opportunities and the Resource Center.
  • Policy: Forms, guidelines and policies, and the latest version of the United Methodist Book of Discipline.
  • Grants and Awards: Links to information on how to apply for grants, scholarships and other awards.
  • Email: Log in to your conference email, get help with your email, and sign up for conference email lists.


In this drop-down, you will find information in four categories:

  • Advocacy: African-American, Hispanic/Latino and Native American ministries; Ethnic Local Church Concerns and Children in Poverty.
  • Discipleship: Adult, Camps & Retreat, Campus, Youth and Scouting ministries; United Methodist-related colleges and universities, Methodist Homes, Students in Mission, United Methodist Men and United Methodist Women.
  • Laity: Conference Lay Leadership and Lay Servant Ministries.
  • Outreach: Advance Special Ministries, Aldersgate Special Needs Ministry, Disaster Recovery, Disaster Response, Hunger Ministries, and United Methodist Volunteers in Ministry.


In this drop-down, you will find:

  • The latest news from the South Carolina Conference.
  • Links to conference social media pages.
  • Recent stories from the South Carolina United Methodist Advocate.
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