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UPDATE: An electrician has been found for this mission trip. Thanks to all who inquired or shared the news about this important work!

The Orangeburg District of the South Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church is building an Information Communication & Technology Center in a small village in Ghana, West Africa.

A mission trip to install a 40-station computer lab as part of the center is scheduled for March 27-April 11.

Unfortunately, the group has just learned that an electrician who had planned to go will be unable to travel due to illness.

An electrician is needed to convert 250-volt power to 110-volt power with the help of a power converter.

The Orangeburg District will pay for the airline ticket and expenses while in Ghana.

If you are interested, please contact Jim Arant, congregational specialist for the Orangeburg District, at 803-727-0327 or for more information.


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