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 #1. A question came up during a recent Executive Committee Meeting concerning possible refunds of Assembly registration fees. Please know that UMW National staff Sarah Brokus advises that YES if someone switches their registration from in person to virtual the difference will be refunded. Additionally because vaccinations and masks are required to participate no cancellation of the in-person event is expected. However, “if for some reason we must switch to virtual only, we will advise at that time about refund status.”You are encouraged to register for Assembly 2022. Assembly is a great experience. Please seriously consider attending!  You may access the registration form by copying the following link into your web browsers:

#2. Our October 23rd 49th SCCUMW Annual Meeting now has an online registration option. Many plans and much preparation will provide a purposeful and meaningful virtual event. Officer elections will take place . Budget will be approved. Both enable us to carry on in 2022. Your vote is needed. The online registration site closes at midnight Thursday October 21. Please share this website and encourage members from your district to get registered now!  They can do so by copying the following link into their web browsers:

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