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One more training opportunity for the “Faith, Activity and Nutrition” program – a partnership of the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church and the Prevention Research Center at the University of South Carolina – is scheduled this summer in Charleston.

FAN is a faith-based program that works to create a healthier church environment. With strong physical health, church members can become stronger in spirit and more active in church life.

The program encourages churches to increase physical activity and healthy eating in members by using these key strategies:

• Increase opportunities for physical activity and healthy eating in the church setting
• Set healthy church guidelines and practices
• Keep the Pastor engaged and excited about FAN goals
• Get health messages to church members through familiar church channels

So far, volunteers from more than 100 United Methodist churches across the state have been trained in FAN. These churches have made meaningful changes to improve the health of their members and communities.

The next opportunity to start your church down a healthier path is:

A $10 registration fee includes lunch and all program materials.

During the interactive training, volunteers receive resources and materials to share with their congregations and begin developing a FAN program plan to guide their activities over the next year.

Click here to register for the
Charleston session by July 29.

Learn more about FAN

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