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officerdelegates1Yesterday began the legislative process of General Conference. Delegates met in their assigned committees. Each committee elected three officers, a chair, vice-chair and secretary. In some cases, committees will also form sub-committees and chairs will be elected for those as well.

Martha Thompson, was elected as the secretary for the Global Ministries Committee.

As secretary for Global ministries I will be responsible for tracking each petition, correct or sign off on the petition, count the votes when it is voted on and sign it along with the chair and vice chair. At this point it is turned into the Daily Christian Advocate for publication.  I will be working with 2 recorders to assist with the paper work as well as the chair and the vice chair.  We have 57 petitions to read, study, and act upon.  Lots of work to do but it is exciting to be part of the process.” said Thompson

Rev. Ken Nelson, Conference Secretary and Director of Clergy Services was elected as the chair of sub-committee two of the Ministry & Higher education/Superintendency committee.

Finally, Rev. Tim Rogers, District Superintendent for the Marion District, was elected as Chair of sub-committee one for the Judicial Administration committee.

These committees will be working on legislation that comes from petitions and proposals from local churches, agencies and organizations. Approximately 1,000 pieces of legislation are expected to be dealt with during the 2016 General Conference. The committees will receive the proposed legislation, debate them and then approve, amend or disapprove them for recommendation to the full body of General Conference.

Learn more about General Conference here or watch the live stream online here.

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