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June 8, 2016
The Morning Session

The SC Annual Conference reconvened for the morning session at 8:30 A.M. with singing of “We Are Marching!”  Following a greeting from Bishop Holston, and an introduction of our Bible Study leader, Dr. Smith began his study with a prayer.

Dr. Smith asked this question to begin the study – “How are you making space for prayer?” The study for the morning focused on Luke 11:1 – 13.  Jesus’ prayer began with Our Father – Abba.  This beginning emphasized the nature of God as more than majesty, but as tender father.  God doesn’t need us to be persistent so that we are heard.  Persistency reflects the fervency of our work – the work of prayer – the work of our spiritual journey.

Rev. Carol Cannon, Trinity UMC stood to thank the Board of Ordained Ministry for the funds to attend the five-day academy for Spiritual Formation.  She encouraged everyone to avail themselves of the academy as a way of making space for God to work.

Reverend Kathy James, Director of Connectional Ministries stood to ask for the suspension of standing rule 30-G.  The delegates unanimously approved this motion. 

Rev. James asked to meet with the district and conference lay leaders, United Methodist Women and Men leaders in the Pee Dee room.

Rev. Dr. Marvin Caldwell came forth to discuss the report for the Committee on Resolutions and Appeals.


Changing SC Department of Education regarding Native Americans in the SC history books – Concurrence; the delegates approved.

Responsibilities for the eradication of racism resolution – Concurrence;

Ms. Renee Galvin, Rock Hill District stood to speak against the resolution.  She didn’t agree with the wording regarding preservation of slavery as the war was fought for several reasons. Bishop Holston asked her hold her remarks until we work our way up the resolution.

Amendment of the last “Be It Further Resolved” paragraph:

Ms. Jane Robello, Greenville District stood to speak for the resolution.  Although she is in favor she asked to add a line to the end of the paragraph to encourage predominately white and black UMCs to be intentional about planning services together during the calendar year.  This motion was seconded.  The amendment was approved.

Deletion of the last “Be It Further Resolved” paragraph:

Rev. Jim Arant stood to speak against the resolution – He asked to delete the last “Further Be It Resolved” because it is asking for churches to report the same information being reported to their charge conferences. 

Rev. Amiri Hooker stood to speak for the resolution – He explained why the last “Further Be it Resolved” was included.  He explained that the paragraph is needed for clarity to ensure reporting of cross -racial interactions with the intentionality of eradicating poverty.

Ms. Brenda Hook, stood to ask how to vote on deletion of paragraph.  Bishop Holston clarified that if we vote to delete we would remove the amended paragraph.

Rev. Dr. Larry McCutchen stood to advise that this paragraph is already addressed

Ms. Karen Ares stood to advise that there was a misunderstanding about where we are starting with the approvals.

Mr. John Nibbens stood to advise how to resolve the misunderstanding.

Bishop Holston confirmed that we are at the very last “Be It Further Resolved.”

Rev. Tim Rogers offered a motion to amend the motion to delete the last paragraph without amendment.  Bishop Holston clarified that the paragraph in question has not been amended

Rev. Christopher Thompson, author of the resolution stood to ask if the first six words of the paragraph could be read when presenting it for consideration. Bishop Holston agreed.

Bishop Holston presented the last paragraph to the delegates again for deletion.  The delegates approved deletion.

Bishop Holston asked for discussion on the next paragraph – no discussion

Bishop Holston then asked for discussion on the next paragraph

Rev. Drew Martin, Lebanon UMC stood to speak for the paragraph – but to amend, so that all clergy and lay leadership will be encouraged to participate – not just “newly ordained clergy.”  The motion was seconded.  The amendment was approved.

Bishop Holston asked if the delegates were ok with Ms. Robello’s paragraph amendment.  The delegates agreed. 

Bishop Holston asked for discussion.

A delegate (name inaudible) asked to further amend the first “Be It Further Resolved” paragraph.  This paragraph has already been approved, thus it is out of order to bring up further changes.

Ms. Nancy Zeigler stood to propose amendment for the Therefore Be It Resolved paragraph to add:

“and racism including disbanding of all groups….that divide us into racial or ethnic groups.”  The motion was seconded.

Ms. Nancy Zeigler stood to expound upon her amendment.  She doesn’t feel that dividing into groups will help to be united.

Rev. Shawn Weeks stood to speak against the amendment because there will always be groups that need to meet because of the plight of the people or groups. 

Rev. Kathy James spoke to speak against the amendment.  She advised that Deacons and African American churches who are a minority in our Conference need avenues of meeting.

Rev. Dr. Sheila Elliot spoke against the amendment.   She advised that children notice differences but they don’t attach value to it until they grow up and are taught differently.

Rev. Dr. Frederick Yebuah spoke in favor of amendment.  Meeting separately breeds suspicion.  We cannot be united and be separate at the same time.

Rev. Amiri Hooker, Lake City Circuit stood to ask a question.  The SC Annual Conference does not exclude persons of other ethnic groups from participating in various meetings. He asked is the body clear about that.

Ms. Nancy Zeigler advised that she agreed that she is welcomed to attend.

Bishop Holston asked if we are ready to vote.

Rev. Charles Johnson stood to ask if we can talk about disbanding meeting if they are established rules within the UMC which allow for these groups to meet.

Bishop Holston advised that the amendment is out of order in light of Rev. Johnson’s question.

Ms. Renee Gallien stood to speak against the first whereas paragraph – asking for deletion.

Rev. Ben Burt stood to speak against deletion of the paragraph because white supremacy exists.

Mr. Edward Kennedy spoke for the amendment because the paragraph doesn’t recognize the strides that have been made.

Rev. John Culp stood to speak against the deletion.  Racism is hardly a thing of a past.

Rev. Terry Fleming stood to speak against the deletion.  He has personally experienced white supremacy in his pastoral setting.

Ms. Wonderland Pinckney stood to speak against the deletion.  She reminded the Conference of the Bible Study last year wherein acceptance of our role in racism was discussed.

Mr. Bob Abbott stood to make a speech, remove “a fact perpetually overlooked by the white supremacy community…” This motion was seconded. 

Ms. Ruth McAllister stood to question the parliamentarian procedure – she stated that it is not in order to delete a portion of the motion to delete the paragraph.

Rev. Larry McCutchen stood to state that racism is alive and well.  This was a speech against deletion of the sentence proposed by Mr. Abbott.

Ms. Sylvia Zeigler speaking in favor of removing the white supremacy paragraph.  Racism affects all races – not just black and white.

Rev. Keith Ray stood to speak against deletion of the sentence.

Rev. Dr. Robin Dease stood to speak to call the question.  Bishop asked for those in favor of calling the question.  The delegates agreed to do so.

Bishop Holston called for the vote for deletion of the sentence.  The motion did not pass.  The sentence remains.

The motion delete the paragraph was submitted to the delegates for vote.  The delegates voted not to delete the paragraph.

Ms. Renee Gallien asked to remove the end of the last sentence, “as well as for the local removal of icons of a war fought to preserve slavery.”  This is because the war was fought for many reasons – not just the preservation of slavery.

Dr. Phillip Stone, spoke against the motion.  No American historian would argue that the war was not fought over the eradication of slavery.

Rev. Amiri Hooker stood to speak against the motion to delete.  For a long time persons in this state have suffered under images and icons that are hurtful.

Rev. Jim Dennis stood to ask a question.  Does the sentence mean that war memorials would be removed? 

Rev. Marvin Caldwell called Rev. Christopher Thompson to come forth to answer.  Monuments are not intended in this phrase.

Rev. Kathy James spoke against the motion to delete.

Rev. John Adams stood to speak against the motion to delete.

Ms. Renee Gallien stood to speak for the deletion because icons do include monuments.

Mr. John Adams spoke to speak against the motion deletion.

Rev. Dr. George Howe called the question to consider the entire resolution as amended.

Dr. Phillip Stone stood to advise that we need to take a series of votes. 

Rev. Kathy James asked for clarification on what we are voting on.

Rev. Carleathea Benson stood to rescind the motion to act on the entire resolution.

Bishop Holston presented the motion to delete the paragraph concerning removal of icons.  The body agreed to keep the paragraph.

Rev. Dr. George Howe agreed to approve all that is before us.  The delegates agreed.

Bishop Holston placed the motion before the body.  The motion was approved.

At 10:50 A.M. Bishop Holston called for a recess until 11:05 A.M.

At 11:06 A.M. the Conference reconvened with the singing of “No Turning Back.”

Bishop Holston advised that we must consider the Standing rules of our Annual Conference, the UMC Discipline, as well as Robert’s Rules of Order when motions are brought forth.

Rev. Dr. Marvin Caldwell put the Resolution concerning transgender people. 

Rev. Keith Ray stood to ask about the Parliamentarian procedure that we are using.  He asked to suspend [rule 7] the rules pertaining to considering one paragraph at a time when considering a resolution. The motion was seconded. Bishop Holston conferred with the Conference Parliamentarian.

Mr. Rod Beleskey stood to oppose the motion.

The delegation approved the motion. 

A delegate (name inaudible) stood to request deletion of the whereas paragraph concerning major businesses.

Rev. Carol Cannon stood to speak against deletion of the paragraph.

Mr. Dan Moore asked to delete the whereas statements related to Governor Haley.  Bishop Holston advised that we are not addressing this paragraph.  Mr. Moore clarified that he would like deletion of the whereas paragraph concerning major businesses.

Rev. John Culp stood to speak against deletion of the paragraph. 

Bishop Holston asked the delegates if they were ready for the vote.  The delegates agreed.

The delegates agreed to keep the paragraph.

Rev. Emily Sutton made a motion that following two speeches for and two speeches against that we move to question.  The motion was seconded. The delegates approved the motion.

In a speech against the resolution, Mr. John Gibbons asked do we need 12 resolutions to address this matter fully – as our discipline already addresses discrimination against groups.  He stated that the resolution itself is discriminatory. 

Rev. Michael Cheatham made a motion to refer this resolution to the Advocacy Committee of Connectional Ministries. 

Rev. John Culp stood against referral of the resolution.

Rev. Fran Connell stood to speak against referral.

The delegates did not agree to refer the resolution.

Rev. Keith Ray stood to speak in favor of the resolution.

Ms. Jessica Moore moved to remove the statement, “Whereas Nikki R. Haley”.   The motion was seconded. 

Bishop Holston called for a vote on the removal of the statement.  The delegates did not approve.

Rev. Webb Belangia spoke against the resolution.

Bishop Holston placed the resolution before the body.  The delegates approved the resolution.

Resolution for the Nature of High Quality Public Education: The delegates approved the referral.

The Resolution for uninsured poor adults in SC – referral: The delegates approved the referral.

The Resolution for Assessment and a Plan of Action for the African American Historical Methodist Flagship Churches of the SC Annual Conference.  “…use the current assessment method to evaluate, the past, present and future…” delete “…for African American Ministries.”

Rev. Patricia Parrish made a motion to strike the word ‘worth’ in the first ‘Be it resolved.’ And to include the word ‘potential ministries.’

Rev. Norman Brown, author of the resolution stood to explain the meaning of  ‘Flagship’ churches.  These churches would be 150 years or older and formerly had approximately 400 members at one time. 

Ms. Francis Hill spoke against the resolution. 

Bishop advised that what was before the body is to strike the word ‘Worth.’

Rev. Carleathea Benson spoke in support of the resolution because preservation of history is needed.

Ms. Paula Ford stood to speak against the resolution because it divides the church.

Mr. Tommy Wilkes spoke to amend the resolution.  Bishop advised that the resolution is before the body.  Mr. Wilkes asked how to we determine what is a flagship church and what is not.

Rev. Amiri Hooker stood to explain the term, “Flagship” – it is a term that would be understood by persons performing the assessment.

Bishop Holston placed the resolution before the body for vote.  The delegates approved the resolution.

Rev. Dr. Marvin Caldwell thanked his team for their work.

Rev. Rett Haselden, IV, reminded the Annual Conference that resolutions are needed before the March 15th deadline.

Rev. Wendy Hudson Jacoby asked that the SC Annual Conference engage in conversation about sexual identity.

Rev. Cathy Jamieson stood to offer a point of clarity – stating that these conversations have begun in her district and beyond.

Rev. Jacoby’s motion was approved.

Rev. Ken Nelson placed the Consent Calendar before the body for vote.  The delegates unanimously approved.

Reverend David Surrett moved for the adoption of the CF&A reports with revisions by the Annual Conference.  Rev. Surrett thanked his team and recognized those who will be completing their service.

Rev. Thomas Bowmen asked for a point of personal privilege wherein he asked clergy members who are interested to join the clergy choir.

Rev. Jackie Jenkins presented the nominations in accordance with Standing Rule 30 -G

Ms. Barbara Ware – Conference Lay Leader

Mr. Donald Love – Associate Conference Lay Leader

Ms. Jenny Rawlings – Secretary Lay Leadership Area

Rev. Dr. Cathy Jamieson presented the Resolution to Discontinue and Realign Churches. The resolution is on page 123 – 125 of the Conference packet.  Rev. Jamieson presented the resolutions to discontinue Bethlehem, Mt. Tabor, and Charles Wesley United Methodist Churches.  After each resolution was presented, and approved by the body, Bishop Holston led the Conference in prayer.  The delegates then voted on the chargeline changes found on pages 125 and 126. The vote was unanimous in favor of the changes.

Rev. Ken Nelson made a motion for the 2017 Annual Conference to be June the 4 – 7 at TD Convention Center in Greenville, SC.  The Conference approved the motion.

Rev. Ken Nelson invited Rev. Dr. George Howe, District Superintendent of the Greenville/Spartanburg area to come forward to greet the delegates and to provide updates on what is planned for 2017. Rev. Howe mentioned that a ‘Kids Camp’ is being planned.  Ms. Michelle Stoudamier from Greenville, SC came forth to discuss logistics.  Hotel reservations will open on June 22, 2016.  Save the date cards are available and will be distributed by our tellers. Rev. Ken Nelson invited the entire staff of the Florence Civic Center to come forth to accept our thanks. 

At 1:00 P.M. Bishop Holston called a recess of the Conference until 1:15 P.M. when the Conference reconvened for the closing worship service and the fixing of appointments. 

The Conference was adjourned at 2:00 P.M. with the Benediction offered by Bishop L. Jonathan Holston.

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